Hartco Solid Hardwood Flooring
Manufactured by the same great company that brought you Bruce Hardwood and Homerwood, Hartco Solid Hardwood has the same excellent quality you’ve come to expect from flooring sold at Georgia Carpet. When you buy where the dealers buy, you’re backed by a company dedicated to delivering flooring solutions that add distinction to your home. Hartco’s solid hardwood line has an outstanding selection of wood species that complement any decor. From traditional hardwood to on-trend colors to hand-scraped wood, there is a design that will fit anywhere. The oak, maple, and hickory options are the hardest and most wear-resistant species. Keep an eye out for styles with Hartco’s Lifetime Finish powered by aluminum oxide nanoparticles — it will perform best against scratches. All the styles below are constructed with 100% hardwood, and each plank is a single solid piece. Hartco sources all of their solid hardwood in the USA to support American workers and fine craftsmanship and ensure the highest possible quality. Their primary source of wood is the Appalachian region. Appalachian hardwood is preferred for its consistent color, more refined grain, and better stability. Because it is solid through and through, it can be sanded and refinished multiple times, with no floor removal needed. Hartco Solid Hardwood is durable and reliable, making it a fantastic investment that will enhance the value of your home and provide beauty for a lifetime. Another significant benefit of solid hardwood is that it will always be on-trend. It is known for its timeless look, authenticity, and quality. Check out the full Hartco Solid Hardwood line below!