Bruce Engineered Hardwood
Make a style statement with Rustic Accents engineered wood flooring, featuring the unique beauty of exotic Acacia and Walnut. Natural distinctive graining meets hand-carved texture to create a striking, one-of-a-kind visual on every board. It's a fresh and exciting version of the rustic look. Bruce Engineered Hardwood is a quality flooring. Engineered hardwood flooring has a layered construction. The top layer of each plank is 100% wood, available in a variety of species and up to date styles. The core is 5-7 layers of plywood crisscrossed and bonded together with a layer on 100% wood on top. On the bottom is another layer of wood. There is a wide range of classic options plus some unique engineered hardwood. Whatever your personal style, from traditional and polished to farmhouse rustic there is something for everyone. Bruce engineered hardwood is a tough flooring choice. It’s construction is extra stable allowing it to withstand potential moisture, humidity and temperature changes. If your style changes so can your flooring. It can handle sanding and refinishing, especially in the thicker boards. These engineered hardwood stands up to everyday wear and tear. Bruce engineered hardwood has a protective finish. It can go where solid hardwood can’t go. It can be installed over a concrete floor and some can be installed over radiant heating systems.